Last flight CEV Falcon 20

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hans van herk
Messages : 16
Enregistré le : Mar 8 Jan 2019 13:50
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Last flight CEV Falcon 20

Messagepar hans van herk » Lun 8 Aoû 2022 09:44

See ... 3282154966

Reported as last flight of the Mystere 20 (Falcon 20) of the CEV. Are all CEV Mystere 20s now withdrawn from use?
According to the Scramble database the CEV should have the following Mysteres:
79/CT last noted June 2016
104/CW last noted June 2014
288/CV last noted April 2015 *
342/CU last noted February 2021 *

The two aircraft on the photo (made somewhere in the 1st week of August 2022) were 288/CV and 342/CU

Does anybody know when the other two were withdrawn from use?

Hans van Herk

Messages : 4315
Enregistré le : Lun 5 Juin 2006 19:21

Re: Last flight CEV Falcon 20

Messagepar BEN » Sam 10 Déc 2022 07:37

C'est le Falcon 20 numéro 288 / F-ZACV qui a effectué le dernier vol au sein de la DGA le 25 novembre 2022.

079 / F-ZACT réformé
104 / F-ZACW réformé et cannibalisé sur Istres
188 / F-ZACX réformé
252 / F-ZACA réformé
288 / F-ZACV réformé
342 / F-ZACU réformé

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